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During this Corona crisis, technological change is increasing in all sectors. Which technological trends will be relevant in 2022 and what does that mean for the industry?

Artificial Intelligence: AI Edge & End-to-End Automation

Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest growing branches of the young technology industry. While the last few years have been marked by the introduction of cloud-based AI applications, AI edge technologies are also gaining in importance. Instead of running in the cloud, the applications run locally. No data leaves the local network. AI edge solutions offer the necessary specificity and security for certain use cases. At the same time, AI edge chipsets are becoming cheaper and cheaper and the roll-out of working 5G networks is progressing. This will enable organisations to implement IoT applications connecting thousands of endpoints in the future. 

But even beyond AI edge technologies, the importance of artificial intelligence will grow in all areas of business. In more and more areas, there are already concrete use cases for automation through artificial intelligence. The challenge of the future is to generalise the experience gained and to focus on end-to-end processes. This requires a uniform database and seamless integration of all areas in one system. 

Modern Workplace & Transformation of Internal Processes

Big data has not only been an important topic since yesterday – until now, however, the focus was mainly on the processing of external data for marketing and sales. However, more and more companies are recognising the value that data can have for optimising internal processes.  The Corona pandemic acts like a burning glass on the changes in the world of work. More and more companies are being forced to switch to remote working, at least in part. The shortage of skilled workers is also strengthening the trend towards cross-border virtual teams. 

Decentralization within the company also means that there is no central equipment and control over the hardware used. Sensitive data on employees’ private computers open up a wide range of possibilities for attackers to gain unauthorised access. As a result, there is a growing need for uniform business solutions that provide employees with only the data they need at any given time and to which they have access based on their authorisation. 

Digital danger #1: Cybercrime

Cybercrime is one of the greatest economic risks for companies. The German economy alone suffers an estimated 220 billion euros in damage every year. The increasing interconnectedness of the working world, private life and public space also opens up ever new attack vectors for cyber criminals.

The image of the lone hacker quietly penetrating systems is outdated. An industry has formed around cybercrime that systematically searches for attack targets and extorts money or captures data through ransomware and other malware. 

In the future, companies of all sizes will have to deal with the issue of cybercrime and implement adequate security systems to protect themselves from the potential damage. 

Conclusion: Technology Trends 2022

In 2022, artificial intelligence, cyber security and big data will continue to be defining topics in small and medium-sized enterprises. However, the focus is shifting. More and more companies have taken the first steps towards complete digital transformation – now it is a matter of consolidating the insights gained and implementing them throughout the company.

Do you have questions about current challenges or need support updating your digital infrastructure? Here in SAP community, you will find an active community of small and medium-sized enterprises that support each other in the challenges of digital transformation. 


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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