With SAP Integration Advisor, you can map a variety of special message types, specially from B2B area, into each other. For instance, X12 EDI message to SAP IDOC message and much more. The complexity is mitigated by wizard and intelligent proposal service. This proposal service is based on learning system. The created mapping can be used as a package directly, either in Cloud Integration or Process Integration.

Instead of manually adding the CI runtime artifacts, they can also be injected automatically from Integration Advisor (IA). For this a CI destination must be configured beforehand in SAP BTP.

The purpose of this post is to explain:

  • How to Configure CI destination in SAP BTP
  • How to inject artifacts from IA into CI automatically


Step1: Create Instance

Login to SAP BTP cockpit and navigate to your subaccount. Choose Services -> Instances and Subscriptions -> Create.

Provide below information in the fields:

Service: Process Integration Runtime

Plan: api

Runtime Environment: Cloud Foundry

Space: dev

Instance Name: integration-runtime-api (give name of your choice)

Roles: WorkspacePackagesEdit

Review all information and click on Create.

Created instance can be seen under Services -> Instances and Subscriptions -> Instances.


Step 2: Create Service Key

Now create a service key to authenticate the created instance.

Navigate to Instances -> Choose Create Service Key

Provide below information:

Service Key Name: CIServiceKey

Key Type: ClientId/Sceret

Created service key information can be seen in the Credential field of an instance.


Step 3: Create Destination

Navigate to Connectivity option on the left-hand side panel. Choose Destinations -> New Destination.

Provide all mandatory information as below:

Name: Give name of your choice but it should start with prefix CPI_TENANT_

Type: HTTP

URL: You can find url in the service key which was created in earlier step.

Proxy Type: Internet

Authentication: OAuth2ClientCredentials (select authentication of your choice. below fields will vary based on authentication type)

Client ID: You can find client id in the service key which was created in earlier step.

Client Secret: You can find client secret in the service key which was created in earlier step.

Token Service URL: you can find token service url in the service key which was created in earlier step.


Step 4: Test the Destination

Click on Check Connection option at the bottom of the scree to verify the connectivity.


Step 5: Inject artifacts from IA automatically.

Navigate to IA tenant from Integration suite home page.

Select the MAG from which you want to inject the mapping artifacts.

Choose the button in the right-upper corner, and then select Inject -> SAP Cloud Integration Flow Resources


Choose a CI destination from the Destinations list.

From the list of available integration packages, Choose the desired integration package from the list.

From the list of available integration flows, select into which you want to inject the resources and choose Inject.

Summary of injected artifacts is displayed as a successful result.

Injected artifacts can be seen under Resources tab in the integration flow.



With one time configuration in SAP BTP, you can speed up the content deployment process from IA into CI.

If you have any queries, please feel free to ask your question in comments. I would request everyone to provide your feedback and like if this blog post finds helpful for you.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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