Here I am documenting a recent data migration experience to migrate Project and WBS with Investment Measures to S/4Hana.

Scope of Data Migration: PS and FI experts in projects suggested SAP Best Practices to migrate only current program(s)

The requirement and scope defined by functional streams (PS and FI) are migrate only current IM Program with its positions and available Budget as of migration date and migrate only relevant Projects and WBS for IM program

Below diagram describes the steps of Data Migration with SAP Tcodes with dependency.


Data Migration Scope of Investment Management


Data Migration Steps:

  1. Create Investment Program Definition (IM01)
  2. Create Investment Program Structure (IM22)
  3. Change Original Program Budget (IM32)
  4. Create Project Definition and WBS elements (Project Builder CJ20n)
  5. Change Investment Program Position – Assign WBS to IM (IM12)
  6. Change Original Program Budget (IM32)
  7. Budget Distribution (IM53)
  8. Project Release (CNMASSSTATUS)


Step 1: Create Investment Program Definition (IM01)

Source Tables:

  • IMTP – Investment programs
  • IMTT – Capital Investment Program Texts




SAP Data Services (DS) is used to extract, transform and load. Instead of extracting tables BAPI_EXPENDITUREPROGDEF_GETDTL is used this will create the expected output schema to load using BAPI_EXPENDITUREPROGDEF_CREATE

A single job to call extract and load BAPIs which will make it Direct Transfer from Source to Target:


DS Dataflow: Create Inv Program Defn (IM01



Step 2: Create Investment Program Structure (IM11, IM22)

This Data Migration Step will Create Inv Program Position (IM11) and Creates Inv Program Structure (IM22) in one go.

Source Tables:

  • IMPR – Investment Program Positions
  • IMPU – Texts for cap. inv. program positions




SAP Data Services (DS) is used to extract, transform and load. Instead of extracting tables BAPI_EXPENDITUREPROGTREE_GDVAL is used this will create in the expected output schema to load using BAPI_EXPENDITUREPROGTREE_CREAT

A single job to call extract and load BAPIs which will make it Direct Transfer from Source to Target:


DS Dataflow : Create/Change Inv Program Tree (IM22) with Positions (IM11)


Step 3:Change Original Program Budget (IM32)

In this step budget assigned to all Inv Positions in Program Tree

Note: As SAP best practices Business provided the CURRENT budget for each position in the Program Tree as on migration Date


  • No Direct  input table was identified




SAP Data Services (DS) is used to extract, transform and load. Instead of extracting tables BAPI_EXPENDITUREPROGTREE_GDVAL is used, Since the scope is to load only current year and available budget as on migration date call function for current year(2022) and map the VALUE to File input using Lookup Function This will create in the expected output schema to load using BAPI_EXPENDITUREPROGTREE_CHVAL


Change Original Program Budget (IM32)

Note: While calling load BAPI position format changes to SAP internal format.


Query MAP – Mapping



Step 4: Create Project Definition and WBS elements (Project Builder CJ20n)

IMZO stores the IM Position to WBS Assignment Information – To select relevant WBS and Projects


Data Services JOB to extract IMZO information

Project Definition and WBS elements relevant to IM program are extracted and migrated using S/4Hana migration cockpit out of the box solution


S/4Hana Migration Cockpit Objects


Step 5: Assign WBS to IM

WBS – IM assignment can be done at WBS as well as IM Position level. In this project “Change Investment Program Position – IM12” transaction is selected to make WBS assignment.

Using Simple ECATT – IM12 transaction to assign WBS is recorded.

Blog on how to ecatt –


File promat for ECATT


Step 6: Budget Distribution (IM53)

In this step IM position Budget loaded in Step 3 will be distributed to assigned WBS element.

Since IM Position Budget is current available budget will be distributed as-is to assigned WBS element.

This will be performed manually to assign budget from 4th level position to WBS element as shown in the screenshot below.Budget%20Distribution%20-%20IM53

Budget Distribution – IM53


Step 7: Project Release (CNMASSSTATUS)

When we load Project and WBS using S/4Hana Migration Cockpit – Projects are created with CRTD (Created) status to use these – Projects needs to be set to Released.

CNMASSSTATUS allows you to select Projects and Release in mass.



Release Projects – CNMASSSTATUS


Conclusion: Above steps will bring you to PS/IM master data creation and this will follow migration of open purchase orders on WBS elements.


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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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