This blog post describes how to create a new Cash Flow statement report on the SAP S/4HANA Cloud using Advanced Compliance Reporting.
For example, you wish to create a Cash Flow statement report for a country, for which it is not available as a part of the standard delivery.

Note: To fulfill the legal requirements in an effective way, Advanced Compliance Reporting provides a selection of standard reports that can be re-used for extensibility purposes, in case it is not available as standard delivery. For the Cash Flow statement, a generic report definition CASHFLOW_STMNTS is available and can be extended and configured based on your local or company-specific requirements (for example, relating to the form layout or calculation algorithm).


You have administrative access to SAP S/4HANA Cloud and implementation experience on the system. You are also familiar with the implementation of Advanced Compliance Reporting on SAP S/4HANA Cloud.


Business Role Business Role ID
Configuration Expert – Business Process Configuration  SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT
General Ledger Accountant SAP_BR_GL_ACCOUNTANT

Let’s Get Started

Implementation of the new report is across the following apps and configuration steps (SSCUI), and these are available on the SAP FIORI dashboard.

Creating a New Report Definition

Create a new report definition in the Define Compliance Reports app. You can do so by navigating to the Define Compliance Reports App from the Advanced Compliance Reporting group on the SAP Fiori overview page and create a new report definition by using Enhanced Report Mode. You must choose the CASHFLOW_STMNTS as Reference Report Definition.

Note: The advantage of enhancing an existing report is that you are assured that any updates that come for the standard report, will reflect in your new report. In this way, for example, you avoid the inconsistencies that might occur during a system upgrade.

There are seven steps to be accomplished to complete the report definition. Detailed information on these steps is available in the blog Defining a Localized Version of a Withholding Tax Report.

Please pay special attention to step 4 in which, the standard generic cash flow report provides 2 ALV document definition outputs:

  • Cash Flow Statement Direct Method
  • Cash Flow Statement Indirect Method


Document Definitions

You can adapt these documents or create new ones (ALV, XML, TXT, JSON, PDF, XBRL) according to your local or legal requirements.

To run a new report, we need to define a new report category and define the reporting entity for submitting those reports to the government or other stakeholders.

Creating the New Reporting Category

In the Define Compliance Reports App:

  • Create a new Report Category.
  • Assign existing Organizational units such as company code.
  • Assign Report Definition which was created o previous steps.

For detailed information about Report Category creating see documentation Creating a Report Category

Creating the New Reporting Entity

  1. Select the following under Manage Your Solution app:
    • Finance as the Application Area
    • Statutory Reporting as the Sub Application Area
  2. Select Configurations from the list of configuration steps and set up your compliance reporting.
    • Assign created Reporting Category to a new Reporting Entity
    • Enter parameters specific to the report Category. Choose the parameter names using the value help (F4 help). The search help for Parameter Name will only display a list of parameters that belong to the Cash Flow report:
      • G_CURRENCY_ROLE – 10 means Company Code Currency. By default, the cash flow statement is displayed in Company Code Currency
      • G_FIN_STMNT_HIER_ID – displays the financial statement version of the hierarchy of the cash flow statement using the indirect method. You can define your own financial statement version and maintain the ID in the parameter value.
    • Assign Organization Unit to the Reporting Entity
      • Assign the organizational units that make up this reporting entity. You can enter one or several, but you must mark one as the leading organizational unit. The system takes data from the leading organizational unit master to fill some fields in the report documents created for the government.

Setting Up Your Financial Statement Version

  1. Open application Manage Your Solution app and select the following:
    • Finance as the Application Area
    • General Ledger as the Sub Application Area
  2. Select item chart of account and following Configuration from the list of configuration steps.
  3. Define Financial Statement Versions in Global Hierarchies.

Note: You can import a global hierarchy from the pre-delivered Financial Statement Version in legacy application ‘Maintain Financial Statements Versions’

After the import, you can edit or add new nodes to the created Hierarchy.


Financial Statement Hierarchy

Run Compliance Report

Implementation of the Run Compliance app is as per standard guidelines.

In the Run Compliance Report app choose the created Report Category or Reporting Entity. You will see the list of reports available for processing.

Thank you for reading this blog post. With these steps, you are now able to adapt your Cash Flow report on the SAP S/4HANA Cloud using Advanced Compliance Reporting.

Please leave your comment and feedback below. Further information on the Run Compliance Report you can find in the series of blogs and information about localization you can find here.

Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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