Welcome again to the series.

In the previous post I had illustrated how we can create EBOM.

Version Bill of Material creation ´(SAP PEO) | SAP Blogs

After the creation of the EBOM, it is converted into a version controlled manufacturing BOM so that the production of the product can be started.

Manufacturing BOM is again a version controlled BOM.

The concept of creation of Manufacturing BOM one can find in my previous blog.

Concept of using 3 Types of Bill of material (SAP PEO) | SAP Blogs

The conversion of the EBOM to MBOM is done via Visual Enterprise Manufacturing Planner. For this an additional SAP 3D viewer software needs to be installed so that the VEMP transactions can be used for planning of the EBOM.

Once the software is installed you can use T-Code: VMP_maintain.

In the VMP_maintain screen you can see the list of already existing version controlled EBOM, irrespective of the scope of planning.

For us as we have created the EBOM manually or via upload functionality the scope of planning is ‘05

Once you select the required EBOM click on Start planning to create corresponding MBOM for the specific product.

Once you start planning, there are three sections in T-Code each of which have their own importance.

  • Source Panel
  • Target Panel
  • Working Panel

Source Panel :

Source panel holds the structural hierarchy of EBOM and its visual is displayed. In the initial screen you can see the EBOM displayed in the Source panel with complete structure.

Target Panel :

Target panel holds the structural hierarchy of MBOM and its visualization is displayed in viewport. This MBOM can be created using the source panel hierarchy and keeping in mind the manufacturing process. You can consider this panel as a display of result of your manufacturing process as MBOM. In the target panel you can see the MBOM node already placed without a bill of material.

Working Panel :

Working panel is a place where the manufacturing engineer work/edit its design. In simple words its an Editing Panel. The working panel is usually blank while performing the initial planning of the EBOM.

    • Drag the node from target panel to Working panel
    • Then drag the materials from the source panel to the working panel to complete the MBOM structure
    • For complex assemblies you can add installation kits to the structure as well using the options in the working panel.


For routing, one can create new shop floor routing directly from the working panel or once the MBOM is created you can create that at a later stage as well.

Once the structure of the MBOM is ready and finished in the working panel, move it to the target panel and export it, so as to create a version controlled MBOM.

You can release the MBOM at this instant if no further changes to the MBOM is expected.

Enjoy reading! see you in the next one.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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