Usage & Integration:

  • Used in Picking Process or in staging of components to Production supply, in case a partial pallet quantity is required for customer Order/manufacturing, the picking takes place at the pick point.
  • The pick point is bypassed for a full pallet picking, Full Pallet is directly routed to shipment loading area or production supply.


  • Pick point acts as ‘Bus Stop’ influencing it as at the packing work center where shipping HU labels and content lists are printed . Generally LOSC doesn’t have the capability for Product modelling unless it is a ”Pick Point” which allows to repack Source HU into Pick HU, transport/return partial source HU to return storage racks.
  • Pick Point can only be operational with LOCS when level of available quantity is at ‘Highest HU’ level at storage type.


  • Introduces an effective way of consolidating deliveries at the packing work center by using a dynamic “bus stop” concept


  • Pick HU can be further put into loop of POSC( VAS etc)


  • Picking with ”Cartonization Planning” is also possible when using pick points:-



For a partial quantity of Full pallets, system creates 2 task.

  1. HU task to move complete HU to Pick point

2.  Partial Pick Product WT to move product from Pick point to Staging area( In waiting Status)




Working in RF with Pick point is more easy( Desktop transaction while repacking source HU into Pick HU, behaves weird, please check from your side, let me know if you face the same issue. When Source HU contents are packed into Pick HU, Open WT gets cancelled.
Full Pallet is moved to Pick point for packing into Pick HU and final product WT is open for customer order shipping.


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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