Concento™ Rapid Data Governance (RDG) is an SAP Certified accelerator, automating the processes of MDG Data Model Maintenance, Workflow Design and Business Rules in an intuitive, elegant and graphical interface, so users with no specialized coding experience can perform MDG tasks.

Depending on business needs, Concento RDG allows users to implement Dynamic and Parallel steps for complex workflow scenarios eliminating the tedious steps of workflow maintenance followed in a traditional approach.

In general, SAP provided a standard guide to implement parallel workflow

Set up Parallel Workflow Tasks with BRF+ (BADI USMD_SSW_PARA_RESULT_HANDLER)

These steps include:

  • Creating a new change request type.
  • Defining service names
  • Populating BRF+ Single, User and Non-User Agent tables.
  • Create Enhancement implementation for BAdIs to customize Parallel and Dynamic tasks.
  • Create filter and set service names for BAdIs as condition

Some of the standard screens to customize parallel and dynamic workflow included in above guide:

With RDG, users having no prior experience in BRF+ application, Decision Tables and ABAP programming can easily handle the steps included in the guide as RDG automates the entire implementation of BAdIs and rule-based workflow in BRF+ to handle Dynamic and Parallel workflow steps in a simple UI Screen.

Steps to set up initial workflow in RDG is mentioned in the blog:

Concento RDG simplifies MDG rule-based workflow maintenance | SAP Blogs

Below are the additional steps to perform in RDG for Dynamic and Parallel workflow tasks:

Step 1: The user can assign approvers, create Dynamic and Parallel Flow steps according to the requirements for workflow selecting from the list.

Step 2: For a Parallel workflow Scenario, when all company codes are to be approved by its corresponding owners, we choose company code as attribute from the entity BP_CUS_CC and give list of company codes for which the approvals are necessary. Workflow requests will be sent to all the approvers parallelly.

Select Parallel Flow from the list.

  • Click Add Attribute to choose entity and attribute.
  • Click Add Rule to add a row to enter details. Enter the Company Codes and Approval steps.


Step 3: Similarly, in Dynamic scenario the request is routed dynamically based on the values of sales organization, distribution channel. Select Dynamic Rules from the list and then choose entities and attributes required.

Step 4: Once the workflow is saved, BRF decision tables are created and populated automatically for rule based workflow with parallel and dynamic steps.


Decision tables are populated for Rule Based Workflow:


Service Names added as filter conditions in BAdI implementations:


Thus, a Rule Based Workflow can be maintained even for complex scenarios in RDG with no prior knowledge in ABAP, BRF+ configuration and BAdI implementations.

Concento RDG is a certified SAP BTP solution and is available on SAP App Store. To know more details about the product, check the blog Partner Add-on Solutions.

Please also check out other features of Concento RDG from blogs:


Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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