Any coding or configuration examples provided in this document are only examples and are NOT intended for use in a productive system. The example is only done to better explain and visualize the topic.

The objective of this blog is to share the details required to extend C4C Utilities Online OVS. Specifically in this blog,we will focus on OVS & UIs related to Utilities.

Please refer the following blog to know the steps involved for extensibility 


Scope of this Blog is to give required details for extending Advance Search and result list of below Utilities Scenarios & UIs -:-


        • Premise OVS and Premise List in Live Activity
        • Contract Account OVS and Contract Account List in Live Activity
        • Point of Delivery OVS


1. Extending Premise OVS & Live Activity List

Premise List is available in below places.

    • Live Activity – On selection of Individual Customer.

Premise OVS is available in below places.

    • Ticket


    • Sales Point Of Delivery


    • Utilities 360


    • Utilities Exception


    • Service Order


    • Service Notification


    • Move Out & Transfer.

For Extending “Premise Details” (Online Read) following node needs to be extended.

    • Premise (Result List & Advance Search)  – Premise

You can refer below code snippet for reference.

import AP.Common.GDT;
import AP.CRM.Global;
[Extension] businessobject AP.CRM.Global:UtilitiesExtensibility {
            node Premise{
                          [Label("Active_Premise")] element Ext_Active_Premise : Indicator;


Targeted UI Details –

Premise OVS – /BYD_COD/IndustrySolution/Utilities/Premise/UI/COD_Utilities_Premise_ID_OVS.OVS.uicomponent

List in Live Activity (Reusable EC) – /BYD_COD/IndustrySolution/Utilities/UI/Extensibility/COD_UTILITIES_PREMISE_EC.EC.uicomponent

C4C Enhancement Implementation Details-

Read – UtilitiesPremiseDetails

ISU Side Web Service Details – 


2. Extending Contract Account OVS & Live Activity List

Contract Account is available in below places.

    • Live Activity – On selection of Individual Customer.

Contract Account OVS is available in below places.

    • Utilities Collections


    • Utilities 360


    • Utilities Financial


    • Contract Account TI – Contract Account Edit


    • Utilities Contracts


    • Configurable Object Hierarchy


    • Move In, Move Out & Transfer.

For Extending “Contract Account Details” (Online Read) following node needs to be extended.

    • Contract Account (Result List & Advance Search)  – ContractAcct

You can refer below code snippet for reference.

import AP.Common.GDT;
import AP.CRM.Global;
[Extension] businessobject AP.CRM.Global:UtilitiesExtensibility {
            node ContractAcct {
                          [Label("Legacy")] element Ext_Legacy : Indicator;


Targeted UI Details –

Contract AccountOVS – /BYD_COD/IndustrySolution/Utilities/UI/COD_UTILITIES_CONTRACT_ACCOUNTS_OVS.OVS.uicomponent

Contract Account List in Live Activity Details (Reusable EC) – /BYD_COD/IndustrySolution/Utilities/UI/Extensibility/COD_UTILITIES_CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_EC.EC.uicomponent

C4C Enhancement Implementation Details-

Read – UtilitiesContractAccountDetails

ISU Side Web Service Details – 


3. Extending Point Of Delivery OVS 

Point Of Delivery OVS is available in below places.

    • Ticket


    • Utilities 360

For Extending “Point Of Delivery Details” (Online Read) following node needs to be extended.

    • Point Of Delivery(Result List & Advance Search)  – PointOfDelivery

You can refer below code snippet for reference.

import AP.Common.GDT;
import AP.CRM.Global;
[Extension] businessobject AP.CRM.Global:UtilitiesExtensibility {
           node PointOfDelivery{
                          [Label("POD Additional Info")] element Ext_POD_Info : LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_EXTENDED_Text;


Targeted UI Details –

Point Of Delivery OVS – /BYD_COD/IndustrySolution/Utilities/UI/COD_UTILITIES_POD_SEARCH_OVS.OVS.uicomponent

C4C Enhancement Implementation Details-

Read – UtilitiesPointOfDelivery

ISU Side Web Service Details – 


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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