Cloud process integration can be used to do process integration, but also can be used to simplify development . We can put together backend service in an iflow for a front end application like SAP UI5 . Today I will  demo the process .  To simplify the demo, I will demo the process base on the blog Trigger a Workflow Instance from a SAPUI5 Application developed in a Multitarget Application by Mariajose Martinez

Step 1,  Deploy an iflow in Cloud process integration :

The following is the code in script1.grouvy

import java.util.HashMap;
def Message processData(Message message) {
def body = message.getBody(java.lang.String)
    def messageLog = messageLogFactory.getMessageLog(message)
    if (messageLog != null) {
        messageLog.addAttachmentAsString('ui5message', body, 'text/plain')
    return message

After deployment, the runtime is in the following screenshot :

Step 2, create destination  for  cloud process integration runtime service key in BTP cockpit .

Step 3, Build and deploy the code base on the blog Trigger a Workflow Instance from a SAPUI5 Application developed in a Multitarget Application by Mariajose Martinez. Make some the following adjustment for Iflow rest api call.

Please note the following rout is added in xs-app.json under the module ui5workflowproject-approuter, Not under the module ui5applicationmodule .

Step 4 , Test from deployed sapui5 application


Step 5, Check the result in Cloud Process Integration


The End!

Thank you for your time for reading!


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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