The Global Partner Summit starts tomorrow, and I am very excited to share some great opportunities for SAP Partners. In our session, together with Nis Boy Naeve, I will showcase how you, as an SAP Partner, can put the power of SAP Discovery Center to work for you. Learn, how to accelerate and scale your projects and solutions by leveraging an advanced innovation and use case approach. 

You are very welcome to join our session: Build Faster and Sell More with SAP Discovery Center at the SAP Partner Summit! Here you can find the Registration.

In the SAP Discovery Center, customers are inspired by use cases and guided from project initiation to solution implementation inside structured missions. Missions feature best practices, a cost estimator, the most beneficial resources, a list of required platform services, and coaching support to enable customers from pilot to go live. 

Did you know? 

As an SAP partner, you can gain access to essential tools useful for managing your customers’ projects and all relevant information about your products. With the ability to assign customers to individual projects and drive all interactions directly from the discovery center, you can communicate, collaborate, and ensure a successful implementation from start to finish. 

Boost Your Visibility and Gain New Customers!  

With our help, you can create a mission and leverage the SAP Discovery Center today! Use cases can be any usage of the SAP Business Technology Platform where you are confident in the business value and successful implementation for customers. Mission content requirements include: a description, references to theservice catalogand step-by-step guidance via the discovery center admin tool. We will support you in reviewing your content for validity, quality, and completeness.   

Once you have successfully published your mission, customers can find you during their search for applicable use cases via search engines,, or other high-profile SAP pages. Customers can then decide to begin their own implementation utilizing SAP guidelines or with your offering. 

Want to learn more? 

After your Registration for the SAP Global Partner Summit Online, you can find our session in the Sales & Service GTM Track, Content Room: Innovation and Use Case Approach for SAP BTP.  

Join here our session: Build Faster and Sell More with SAP Discovery Center and we will show you exactly how this works and how you can get started!  


Session Title: Build faster and sell more with SAP Discovery Center, Contacts: Nis Boy Naeve and Andreas Hirche

 The Global Partner Summit starts tomorrow, and I am very excited to share some great opportunities for SAP Partners. In our session, together with Nis Boy Naeve, I will showcase how you, as an SAP Partner, can put the power of SAP Discovery Center to work for you. Learn, how to accelerate and scale your projects and solutions by leveraging an advanced innovation and use case approach. 

You are very welcome to join our session: Build Faster and Sell More with SAP Discovery Center at the SAP Partner Summit! Here you can find the Registration.

In the SAP Discovery Center, customers are inspired by use cases and guided from project initiation to solution implementation inside structured missions. Missions feature best practices, a cost estimator, the most beneficial resources, a list of required platform services, and coaching support to enable customers from pilot to go live. 

Did you know? 

As an SAP partner, you can gain access to essential tools useful for managing your customers’ projects and all relevant information about your products. With the ability to assign customers to individual projects and drive all interactions directly from the discovery center, you can communicate, collaborate, and ensure a successful implementation from start to finish. 

Boost Your Visibility and Gain New Customers!  

With our help, you can create a mission and leverage the SAP Discovery Center today! Use cases can be any usage of the SAP Business Technology Platform where you are confident in the business value and successful implementation for customers. Mission content requirements include: a description, references to theservice catalogand step-by-step guidance via the discovery center admin tool. We will support you in reviewing your content for validity, quality, and completeness.   

Once you have successfully published your mission, customers can find you during their search for applicable use cases via search engines,, or other high-profile SAP pages. Customers can then decide to begin their own implementation utilizing SAP guidelines or with your offering. 

Want to learn more? 

After your Registration for the SAP Global Partner Summit Online, you can find our session in the Sales & Service GTM Track, Content Room: Innovation and Use Case Approach for SAP BTP.  

Join here our session: Build Faster and Sell More with SAP Discovery Center and we will show you exactly how this works and how you can get started!  


Session Title: Build faster and sell more with SAP Discovery Center, Contacts: Nis Boy Naeve and Andreas Hirche


Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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