The world of SAP extensibility can seem complex and challenging, especially for those new to the topic. To help break down the concepts and make them more digestible, I’ve created a fun and relatable analogy involving a coffee shop.

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of SAP extensibility and provide examples of how they can be applied to enhance the operations of a coffee shop.

Imagine the coffee shop is using an SAP software system to manage its business processes. However, the shop wants to customize the system to meet its unique needs.

This is where the extensibility concepts come into play:


Brewing Success with SAP Extensibility in a Coffee Shop


  1. Key User Extensions:Key user extensions provide tools for non-technical users to make simple adjustments to the SAP system. These extensions do not require programming skills and allow users to tailor the system to their specific needs.These are similar to customizing the shop’s layout, such as rearranging tables and chairs or adding a new piece of furniture. Key user extensions enable non-technical users (like a coffee shop owner) to make minor adjustments to the SAP system, such as creating custom reports or adding new fields to existing forms.This can be done using easy-to-use tools provided by SAP, without the need for programming skills.Examples:

    a. Creating custom reports: The coffee shop owner might want to generate a report showing the most popular beverages sold each week. Key user extensions allow for creating custom reports like this without programming skills.

    b. Modifying the user interface: The shop owner could adjust the layout of the order entry screen to make it easier for staff to input information.

    c. Adding new fields to existing forms: The owner might want to add a new field to track how customers found out about the shop (e.g., walk-in, social media, referral), which can be done using key user extensions.

  2. In-App Extensions:

    In-app extensions allow you to modify or enhance the existing SAP software system without disrupting its core functionality or core code.
    This ensures that upgrades and updates can be implemented with minimal disruption.
    This is like adding new flavors or ingredients to the existing coffee menu.For example, the coffee shop might want to add a new loyalty program feature within the existing system. This can be achieved using in-app extensions, which will be fully integrated into the standard SAP system.Examples:a. Adding a custom field to track customer allergies: The coffee shop might want to record specific allergies of its customers in the system. In-app extensions can be used to add a new field to the customer profile. 

    b. Customizing the order process: The shop could modify the standard order process to include additional steps, such as asking customers if they want a reusable cup or not.

    c. Adding personalized discounts: The coffee shop may want to offer personalized discounts based on customer preferences or purchase history. In-app extensions can be used to create custom rules for applying discounts.

  3. Side-by-Side Extensions:Side-by-side extensions involve creating new applications that work alongside the existing SAP system. These extensions leverage SAP’s data and functionality while providing additional features to address specific business requirements.Think of this as adding a new service or product to the coffee shop that operates independently but works in harmony with the existing setup, like opening a bakery next door.Side-by-side extensions involve creating new applications or services that run alongside the SAP system, using the same data and processes.For example, the coffee shop might want to create a new mobile app for customers to place orders online. This app would be developed outside the core SAP system but would still interact with it to access customer data, inventory, and pricing information.Examples:

    a. Mobile app for online orders: The coffee shop could develop a mobile app that allows customers to order ahead and pick up their coffee at the store, leveraging the SAP system for inventory and pricing data.

    b. Social media integration: The shop might create a side-by-side extension to monitor social media mentions and engage with customers, integrating customer feedback into the SAP system.

    c. Inventory management tool: The coffee shop could develop an inventory management tool that predicts when supplies will run low, based on sales data from the SAP system, and automatically places orders with suppliers.

  4. Classic Extensibility :Classical S/4 Extensions involve modifying the core SAP system using older methods like User exits, BADIs, Implicit enhancements, Explicit enhancements, and Enhancement spots. These extensions may hinder system upgrades as they alter the core code.Imagine the coffee shop as a well-designed and efficient kitchen.Classical S/4 Extensions are like making structural changes to the kitchen itself to accommodate new equipment or processes, such as repositioning the coffee machine, extending the counter space, or altering the plumbing system.While these modifications can enhance the coffee shop’s functionality, they can also cause disruptions when updating or upgrading the “kitchen” because the original layout has been altered.While Classical S/4 Extensions offer flexibility and customization, they may hinder system upgrades, as they modify the core code.

    It’s essential to weigh the benefits and potential drawbacks of using these methods in the coffee shop scenario before implementation.


    a) Custom tax calculation: The coffee shop might have specific tax rules that differ from the standard SAP system calculations. Classical S/4 Extensions, like User exits or BADIs, were used earlier to modify the core tax calculation logic to accommodate the custom rules.

    b) Modifying order processing: The coffee shop may want to change how orders are processed in the system, such as applying additional validations or triggering automatic notifications. There were/are different ways of accomplishing these using Exits, Implicit or Explicit enhancements to alter the order processing logic. But should be leveraged only as the final option

    c)Customizing customer loyalty points: The shop might want to implement a unique formula for calculating customer loyalty points, which would require modifying the core SAP system using Enhancement spots.

    In this article, I’ve explored the diverse world of SAP Extensibility using the relatable coffee shop analogy. I’ve broken down the four main types of extensibility—In-App Extensions, Key User Extensions, Side-by-Side Extensions, and Classical S/4 Extensions—by providing examples of how each method can be applied to enhance the operations and functionality of a coffee shop.

    Each type of extensibility offers its unique benefits and potential drawbacks, and the choice of which method to use depends on the specific business requirements, available resources, and future upgrade plans. By understanding the various extensibility options, businesses can make informed decisions on how to best tailor their SAP systems to meet their unique needs.

    I hope this analogy has helped demystify the complex world of SAP Extensibility and provided a clear understanding of the different approaches. I encourage the readers to share their thoughts, experiences, and comments on this topic, as well as any other creative analogies they may have to further illustrate the concept.

    Let’s continue to explore, learn, and share our knowledge within the SAP community!

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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