[Update // May 27th 2021] First winners!

We have awarded our first Crossover Learner badges and we enjoyed all the wonderful words of encouragement (and even the request for more Basis tutorials)! Thanks for all the warm words ?

Here’s how the badge looks in your profile (thanks Svea Becker, and congratulations):

IMPORTANT: Some of you have done the tutorial, but have not commented on this blog, and some of you have done the tutorial but not voted on (any) question or answer. Make sure to do all 3 parts of this mission to get the badge.


Have you completed a few SAP Tutorials but have yet to engage in the community? Or maybe you have written a few blogs posts or answered a few questions but have never explored the SAP Tutorial Navigator?

Well, for you, we now have the Crossover Learner mission that will make you a dual threat — an SAP learner of the latest technologies and active member of the SAP Community — both activities that will help you up your SAP game.

Limited Time!    Badge available until June 30!



What’s in it for you?

You’ll get introduced to the SAP Tutorials, hundreds of new and tested tutorials about some of the most current SAP technologies — SAP HANA CloudSAP Business Technology PlatformSAP Business Application StudioSAP Conversational AI, the Mobile Development Kit, and more. There are also cool end-to-end scenarios, where you can learn how to build a CAP app with SAP Fiori on SAP BTP.

The tutorials are written by some of our most-knowledgeable authors, including developer advocates like Thomas Jung and DJ Adams as well as product experts like Iwona HahnJitendra KansalDaniel Van Leeuwen, and, well, yours truly.

At the same time, you’ll get re-introduced to the SAP Community and see how much fun — and helpful — it is to not only read great content (like this blog post) but also to actually engage with other members of the community.


What you can win?

This lovely badge, in your SAP profile — show it to all your friends and colleagues.

How long will it take?

About 15 minutes. Really.

(Full disclosure: This counts the 2 minute to read this blog, but not the time you spend exploring and doing SAP Tutorials after you get hooked.)

What do you have to do?

Ah, glad you asked.

  1. Complete the tutorial Get to Know SAP Tutorials, and get a quick tour of the SAP Tutorials.
  2. Go to any question in Answers and vote on any single question or answer.

    Voting helps others in the community better find useful questions and answers.
  3. After you complete the tutorial, come back to this blog post and add a comment of how it was to complete the tutorial. Write what you think of the collection of tutorials in general, the tutorial navigator, how the tutorials work, what you’d like to see different, or any other comments you want. (Don’t just be polite — say what you think.)

You’ll need to be signed in with your SAP account, and in case you don’t have one, you can create one by clicking the person icon in the top right of the page.

That’s it. Simple, 1-2-3.


Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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