As low-code/no-code application development and citizen automation continue to evolve and accelerate globally, SAP Intelligent RPA is at the forefront enabling this shift, now closely integrated with SAP Workflow Management and SAP AI Business Services, among others.

Process automation is now required to become even more accessible to people with little or no coding skills. As such a person with no-coding background, who also leads the SAP Intelligent RPA Solution Management Team, I am in an excellent position to help move the needle from an end-user perspective. Today, we are helping hundreds of customers to realise the value of low-code scalable automation with our Cloud Studio 2.0 with an intuitive graphical user interface.

I remember there was a time when robotic process automation (RPA) sounded like a buzzword and a mystery of robots stealing our jobs. Things have drastically changed and improved since then, but few key challenges remain for businesses. Each potential customer has different process automation needs and, it can often be terrifying for them to think about implementing intelligent technologies like RPA, Workflow Management or AI Business Services.

At times, it can seem like solving Rubik’s cube. In the following video presentation, let me tell you about our unified approach in solving these Rubik’s cube like challenges for our customers.

How does your Rubik´s Cube challenge look like?

Are you interested how you can solve them with SAP´s process automation solutions than learn more about our offerings:

SAP Intelligent RPA

SAP AI Business Services

SAP Workflow Management

SAP Intelligent RPA related links:

Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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