In this blog we will try to cover aspects on how to execute the new features that are there for release version 2105 for survey, such as attach a survey response summary to a follow up task that is created,  so that the sales representative / field executive can attain more insights out of it and use Static operands  while defining calculations

To create a Survey , go to Survey work center and select Surveys view  and create a Survey


Feature 1 :

Once the survey is saved and opened , in the details facet, select the option Attach summary to Follow-up Task . Once this is enabled, after the survey is executed  the survey responses will be added as a PDF file as summary .

A follow up task can be created in the survey  from Follow-up Actions facet , based on Preconditions that are defined under Exceptions facet .

Upon Survey execution and submission, based on the above conditions a task will be created and will be shown in the bottom of the screen as shown below . Now in the attachments facet of this task that is created  you will see the survey response summary as a PDF file

Result :

Feature 2 :

The second feature is about usage of static Operands in the calculation rules . For this go to Design tab and i have defined questions as per the structure below

Now for the above design question where calculation is relevant , we have added calculation rule as 4 – How many units of Product is consumed ? * 5 – What is the Price per unit

This above example is on how to use two operands which are existing as a values from questions defined

With the release version 2105, we have a new feature which also allows the user to add a static value (example : You can always multiply the quantity with a static value , say 1.2) in the calculation rule as an Operand in conjunction with another static operand or an existing value from question.

This feature was introduced with an idea such that the user need not always select a  existing question as an operand to use in calculation , but now can also use a static value for calculating a value.

More details about various other specific other functions can be verified at  SAP Survey Help Document

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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